Tuesday, January 18, 2011

mmkay..this is why....

Cause I'm the froggy mama, and I couldn't very well keep calling him the baby bear...he's not...and he's not a tadpole, no, he's a teenager frog, which is interestingly called a Tadpole Frog! aww Yes! So see...it all makes sense! <3

Whoa! I've got a Blog!

Holy Cripes...I remember when I hated the internet for this kind of stuff...despised Myface and Bragbook, laughed and mocked all those who had them...now...here I am...with a blog. Ohhhh computer age...what you've done to me...
Regardless, here I/we are, and I don't know what kind of things we will post...the idea is cool things Sol and I are doing, cool things he is learning, cool things I am learning, things I find amusing, etc...For now, it's 11:20pm, and I can't figure out how to change the color of our title, so this is it...I'm done for the night...
Goodnight all, and hopefully, I'll get to post something really nifty soon!